With your decision for a yarn from our company TUTTO you have made a good choice.
Your satisfaction is our top priority, which is why we offer you a good all-round service even after your purchase, because our customers are the heart of our company.
Your first point of contact is always your trusted specialist dealer. Surely your questions will be answered there with pleasure and help will be provided.
Of course you can also contact us directly. If you have any questions about your wool, you should always have the colour and batch number ready. You can reach us by e-mail at info@sockenwolle.de or by telephone at +49 7471 4025, Mo-Do from 08-12 hrs as well as from 13-17 hrs and Fridays from 08-12 hrs.
You have a complaint? Please send us the yarn / knitted piece with label (indication of colour number and batch), so that we can have the wool checked and eliminate possible causes in our production.
TUTTO Wolfgang Zwerger GmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
72379 Hechingen
Telephone: +49 7471 4025
Telefax: +49 7471 4020
E-mail: info@sockenwolle.de