"From the shepherd to the consumer". That´s the name of a continuous concept, created and masterminded by the Swabian producer of yarn TUTTO to make a point of supporting and keeping German employments.
Knitting wool with guarantee
Intended is a collection of hand-knitted yarn made from a purely German production. Starting with Merino wool from the nature reservation BiosphäreAlb in South Germany, on the re-processing in the Bremer Woll-Kämmerei AG in Bremen and the Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH and finally to manufacture the famous OPAL sweater and sock-knitting wool in the town of knitting, Hechingen. "Like this the journey from textile raw material to the distribution of ready-made wool ready for the final consumers is consistently comprehensible," is the comment of Wolfgang Zwerger, CEO of TUTTO GmbH until 2013, about the campaign. "The guaranty of origin gives the consumer more security and confidence."
The involved companies are en vogue. About 67 percent of German citizens, which identified the Opinion Research Institute Infratest dimap in its recent survey, want to pay more attention on domestically manufactured products. Therefore some 70 percent would be all set to spend more money. Parts of the sales proceeds from the organic sweater and socks wool are also to bestow to the nature reservation BiosphäreAlb. This is a model region currently emerging in the Swabian Jura, where successful protection of the environment and the social and economic development of the people living in that territory is to be linked. Participating are 29 municipalities in two government districts and three counties and the District Münsingen treasures. The area about 50 km southeast of Stuttgart is a centre for migratory sheep-farming with nationwide significance. About 30,000 sheep are grazing on almost the whole open country, to wit about two-thirds of the total area of 6,700 hectares. The large and contiguous grassland allows hats retention as a traditional form to be still exercised. "With the charitable donations the small businesses dominated by local producers can be effectively boosted," said Zwerger.